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qkg:contextText A monstrous charade the hallucinatory bleatings of an author named Jim Garrison, a discredited former district attorney in New Orleans. Does any sane human being truly believe that President Johnson, the Warren Commission members, law-enforcement officers, C.I.A., F.B.I., assorted thugs, weirdos, Frisbee throwers, all conspired together as plotters in Garrison's wacky sightings? And then for almost 29 years nothing leaked? But you have to believe it if you think well of any part of this accusatory lunacy. In scene after scene Mr. Stone plasters together the half true and the totally false and from that he manufactures the plausible. No wonder that many young people, gripped by the movie, leave the theater convinced they have been witness to the truth. In much the same way, young German boys and girls in 1941 were mesmerized by Leni Reifenstahl's "Triumph of the Will", in which Adolf Hitler was depicted as a newborn God. Both "J. F. K." and "Triumph of the Will" are equally a propaganda masterpiece and equally a hoax. Mr. Stone and Leni Reifenstahl have another genetic linkage: neither of them carried a disclaimer on their film that its contents were mostly pure fiction. (it)
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