("For in these round men who are stuck into three-cornered holes, and three-cornered men who are jammed into round holes; in these men who are wasting their energies in the scramble to be rich; in these who in factories are turned into machines, or are chained by necessity to bench or plow; in these children who are growing up in squalor, and vice, and ignorance, are powers of the highest order, talents the most splendid. They need but the opportunity to bring them forth." - „Progress and Poverty“. Doubleday 1920. Book IX, Chapter 4: Of the Changes That Would Be Wrought in Social Organization and Social Life. IX.IV.37; vgl. auch „condensed edition by A. W. Madsen“ bei en.wikisource en:s:Progress and Poverty (George)/Chapter XXIII: The master motive of human action.) (de) |