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qkg:contextText Dr. BENDER If he would so identify himself, then it would be his tendency again to discard the comic book or go into a panic. I have seen children in panics, as I say, not over comics usually because they are easily rejected, but over movies. I have seen children brought to me in terrible panics, and interestingly enough most often the Walt Disney movies which do depict very disturbing mother figures. The mothers are always killed or sent to the insane asylums in Walt Disney movies. They are among my experience for Frankenstein, the worst movies in the world for children who have had a problems of the loss of a parent. I can speak of that within feeling because I have 3 children who lost their father when they when babies and I know the problem of exposing children to such problems as this. It can throw them into the kind of anxiety which is distressing, but the children will leave if they can or they will not read the comics, they will reject it. (en)
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