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qkg:contextText The original book was first written in Tamil, and published by Sri Pillai. The essay version of the book (§§§Sri Ramana Nutrirattu§§§) prepared by Ramana is considered definitive, as unlike the original it had the benefit of his revision and review. "§§§Nan Yar§§§" was documented by his disciple M. Sivaprakasam Pillai, who was already heavily influenced by traditional Advaita, and so had added notes about the traditional Advaitic negation method for his own clarification; these additional notes were later removed by Sri Ramana.(Sadhu Om 2005 p.147) A careful translation with notes is available in English as 'The Path of Sri Ramana, Part One' by Sri Sadhu Om, one of the direct disciples of Ramana.(Sri Sadhu Om 2005) (en)
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