Socialism is the only way by which we can realise what we want. It is the only way that will lead to justice and equality among the people. It is the only way through which the people can have the same rights. It is the only way that can put an end to the situation where there is one who is fully contented and one who is starving.Socialism will enable every Somali to get medical attention, and it will ensure that every Somali can work for the better life he should live in this world. The people can then share this life in an honest, just and equal way. The Government will guide the people along this path. This is what socialism is about - basically, it means work and wealth-sharing.Socialism provides the way in which the people can really govern their country; a government run by the workers and the intellectuals. It is the principle that fights against a few people, or groups of people, exploiting the majority and sucking their blood. This is socialism.Socialism means that the person who toils should enjoy the fruits of his toil. It does not provide for the person who did not toil, but sat in the shade, to receive benefits while the hardship falls on the workers and other people. This is not socialism.Socialism is the only way through which it is possible to preserve and hold high Somali honour, internally and externally.Anyone who deviates from this road is putting Somali honour, unity and progress under his foot. We say: down with him! The one who is against socialism is the bad one we threw away from his red-brick building that belongs to the Somali people. He is the one who used to sit in it and was colonised in it. He is the one behind which the colonialists used to hide. He is the one who opposes socialism. (it) |