Download triplesrdfs:label | Helden (de) |
rdfs:label | 무기와 인간 (ko) |
rdfs:label | Arms and the Man (en) |
rdfs:label | Զենք և մարդ (hy) |
rdfs:label | السلاح والرجل (مسرحية) (ar) |
rdfs:label | Оружје и човек (sr) |
rdfs:label | Le armi e l'uomo (Shaw) (it) |
rdfs:label | Оружие и человек (ru) |
rdfs:label | مرد و اسلحه (fa) |
owl:sameAs | http://sr.dbpedia.org/resource/Оружје_и_човек |
owl:sameAs | wd:Q2646905 |
owl:sameAs | http://ko.dbpedia.org/resource/무기와_인간 |
owl:sameAs | http://ar.dbpedia.org/resource/السلاح_والرجل_(مسرحية) |
owl:sameAs | http://fa.dbpedia.org/resource/مرد_و_اسلحه |
owl:sameAs | https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Arms_and_the_Man |
owl:sameAs | http://de.dbpedia.org/resource/Helden |
owl:sameAs | http://ru.dbpedia.org/resource/Оружие_и_человек |
owl:sameAs | dbpedia-it:Le_armi_e_l'uomo_(Shaw) |
owl:sameAs | http://hy.dbpedia.org/resource/Զենք_և_մարդ |
owl:sameAs | dbr:Arms_and_the_Man |
rdf:type | dbo:Play |
skos:prefLabel | Arms and the Man |
Property | Object |
Triples where Entity17963 is the object (without rdf:type)
qkg:Context203774 | qkg:mentions |
Subject | Property |