Download triplesrdfs:label | Pandangan rasial Donald Trump (id) |
rdfs:label | Racial views of Donald Trump (en) |
rdfs:label | آراء دونالد ترامب العرقية (ar) |
owl:sameAs | https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump |
owl:sameAs | wd:Q47486884 |
owl:sameAs | http://id.dbpedia.org/resource/Pandangan_rasial_Donald_Trump |
owl:sameAs | dbr:Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump |
owl:sameAs | http://ar.dbpedia.org/resource/آراء_دونالد_ترامب_العرقية |
skos:prefLabel | Racial views of Donald Trump |
Property | Object |
Triples where Entity8537 is the object (without rdf:type)
qkg:Quotation134403 | so:mentions |
qkg:Quotation305395 | so:mentions |
qkg:Quotation629610 | so:mentions |
Subject | Property |