Download triplesrdfs:label | حرية الاختيار (ar) |
rdfs:label | Свобода выбора (право) (ru) |
rdfs:label | Freedom of choice (en) |
rdfs:label | Valfrihet (sv) |
rdfs:label | Libertate de alegere (ro) |
rdfs:label | Свобода вибору (uk) |
rdfs:label | 選択の自由 (ja) |
rdfs:label | Libertad de elección (es) |
owl:sameAs | http://ja.dbpedia.org/resource/選択の自由 |
owl:sameAs | http://ar.dbpedia.org/resource/حرية_الاختيار |
owl:sameAs | https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Freedom_of_choice |
owl:sameAs | dbr:Freedom_of_choice |
owl:sameAs | http://uk.dbpedia.org/resource/Свобода_вибору |
owl:sameAs | wd:Q4411057 |
owl:sameAs | http://es.dbpedia.org/resource/Libertad_de_elección |
owl:sameAs | http://ru.dbpedia.org/resource/Свобода_выбора_(право) |
owl:sameAs | http://ro.dbpedia.org/resource/Libertate_de_alegere |
owl:sameAs | http://sv.dbpedia.org/resource/Valfrihet |
skos:prefLabel | Freedom of choice |
Property | Object |
Triples where Entity9621 is the object (without rdf:type)
qkg:Quotation158298 | so:mentions |
Subject | Property |