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so:text One Sunday, Diego came to the house to see my paintings and critiqued all of them in a very clear manner, and he told me all the possibilities he saw in them. Then I painted two or three things, which are around the house, that to me seem very influenced by him . They are portraits of thirteen- or fourteen-year-old kids.. .In 1929, I joined the Communist Party, I got married to Diego, and I had my first abortion. In that year I painted a portrait of Cristina Moya.. ..and other drawings that Morillo Safa owns. The unfinished portrait of my first abortion was my first Surrealist painting but not completely. I have it . (en)
so:description Song of herself"; interviews by Olga Campos, Sept. 1950 (en)
so:description Quotes of Frida Kahlo (en)
so:description 1946 - 1953 (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context52835
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