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so:description Mont Saint Michel and Chartres (1904) (en)
so:description Chapter IV Normandy and the Ile de France (en)
so:description Chapter V Towers and Portals (en)
so:description Chapter III The Merveille (en)
so:description Chapter II La Chanson de Roland (en)
so:text Every day, as the work went on, the Virgin was present, directing the architects, and it is this direction that we are going to study, if you have now got a realising sense of what it meant. Without this sense, the church is dead. Most persons of a deeply religious nature would tell you emphatically that nine churches out of ten actually were dead-born, after the thirteenth century, and that church architecture became a pure matter of mechanism or mathematics; but that is a question for you to decide when you come to it; and the pleasure consists not in seeing the death, but in feeling the life. (en)
so:description Chapter VI The Virgin of Chartres (en)
so:description Chapter I Saint Michiel de la Mer del Peril (en)
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