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so:text Between 1994 and 1997, as we continued to work the system, I decided it was very important to reach out to the legislative bodies of the world. If the President... was too terrified, and too threatened to act, and his inner circle was being denied access to information, then the next best venue was Congress. So many senior White House officials were being denied access that it was clear only an open hearing in Congress could change things officially. Regarding other senior officials being blocked: Astronaut Gordon Cooper personally told me that Secretary of Defense Cohen had learned of Gordon Cooper's team filming a landed UFO at a dry lake bed at Edwards Air Force base in the 1950s. Cohen tried to get access to that information but was denied access. Cohen knew the dates and details of the landing and filming - and yet Cohen could not gain access to the film or the records! So, we met with a number of members of Congress... we found we could meet privately with a number of key Congressmen.... What I found in almost every case is that they all wanted to know, but they didn't want to act. (en)
so:description Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge (2013) (en)
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