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so:text Why do they always show up there bleeding and dying on the cross? We don't remember lying there with a bullet hole in his head. I'm against the arbitrary organization of '' as a concept. We should all experience it all individually and purely. I don't agree with the separation of God and the body, I don't believe that we aren't a part of 'it', I don't agree that it's a man. In most religions there's no place for women. There aren't any women in the and I need that. I love women, I came from a woman. (en)
so:description Sourced (en)
so:description JB: From womb to tomb, it's thug country. I'm amazed that I had any friends at all. People grow up repressed from the spirit, day by day by day. Cable TV, it's fucked. It's misogyny, it's birth, death, work, it's misery, it's power. It's fuckin' hicks. And that's what I grew up with. I was rootless trailer trash. Now I prefer the to any place on the planet. I can be who I am here. I couldn't do it anyplace I lived as a child. I never fit in, even though my roots are there. (en)
so:description From Interviews (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context66069
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context66068
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