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rdf:type qkg:Mention
so:text Thoughts at the open window of the payroll department : That everything is transitory is merely a simile. Everything we see is a proposal, a possibility, an expedient. The real truth, to begin with, remains invisible beneath the surface. The colors that captivate us are not lighting, but light. The graphic universe consists of light and shadow. The diffused clarity of slightly overcast weather is richer in phenomena than a sunny day. A thin stratum of cloud just before the stars break through. It is difficult to catch and represent this, because the moment is so fleeting. It has to penetrate into our soul. The formal has to fuse with the Weltanschauung . (en)
so:description Quotes of Paul Klee (en)
so:description 1916 - 1920 (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context82196
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