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so:text It looks as if the war in Europe is rapidly moving towards a conclusion. Probably I am wrong about that but I can't see how it can be otherwise. It seems clear that the Allies are outclassed on mechanical equipment, and it is foolish to talk about modernizing their Armies in times like these, they ought to have thought of that five years ago. There is no excuse for them not thinking of that except for the unintelligent, in fact, stupid, narrow-minded and selfish leadership which the democracies of the world are cursed with. (en)
so:description ;1940s - 1960s (en)
so:description ; 1920s - 1930s (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context87508
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context87507
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qkg:Quotation167529 qkg:hasMention
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