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so:text If you pick the heart up and look at the bottom... there ares... a spiral going inside-out, and outside-in. The same reciprocal spirals happen in flowers. ...he circles get bigger as they get further outward. ...hat increase in size is the secret of growth. ...hese beautiful reciprocal spirals... are not just in daisies, but you see this in seashells... you pick the tip of the spiral... or the shell up... it becomes a, just like the heart... or the horns of an eland. ...Inside the horns ...are spirals within spirals. ...he spirals... go into the... blueprint of DNA between the sugar and thes. The use of the same reciprocal spirals exist in the microscopic way, just as they exist macroscopically in the galaxy. ...We all have spirals in our fingertips... But your finger is different than somebody else's finger, and that's because there is harmony in variance. (en)
so:description 2015 Lecture: The Helix and the Heart given by Dr. Gerald Buckberg (en)
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