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so:text Successful intervention by the ecclesiastical hierarchy in the social and economic sphere should start with a denunciation of the two vices at the origin of all modern disorders and revolutions: pride and sensuality. These vices feed the two seemingly opposed errors of our time: collectivist utopianism and individualist liberalism. On the one hand they generate the anarchic-egalitarian dream of a society without government, classes or laws; and, on the other, they are the root of modern liberalism, which rejects all references to an objective truth, absolute values, a higher law, and thus leads to the “dictatorship of relativism” so timely denounced by then Cardinal Ratzinger. Thus, in its very essence, the anthropological crisis humanity is going through results not only from a violation of man’s fundamental rights but from a denial of God’s primacy in the organization of human society. All the rest is a mere consequence. (en)
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