Some 16 years after the murder of Commander Rockwell another true hero of the folk rose up to keep the flame of resistance to genocide burning. His name was Robert Jay Mathews. By this time in America and in most of the once White nations it was self evident to all White men of integrity that there were no possible peaceful solutions available to stop the Judeo-American, Judeo-Christian murder of the White race. A guerrilla army in conjunction with migration, plunder and destruction of the Zionist Occupation Government's various organs of power were the only remaining options in the struggle for our racial survival. Of course, that is even more true today, although the cowards of the C.R.A.P. continue to deny reality and to honor the institutions of our executioners. Robert Mathews was the absolute epitome of purity of purpose, integrity, courage and determination. When he formed the BrĂ¼der Schweigen on the pagan holiday of the Autumnal Equinox in 1983, he estimated he would live a year before dying in battle with Zionist Federal murderers of his race. Yet he marched to his fate with unwavering courage. On December 8, 1984 Bob was murdered, burned alive by Federal cowards and traitors. May the name Mathews be reverenced as long as the Aryan race lives! (en) |