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rdf:type qkg:Mention
so:text As soon as the discourse is about a holy spirit, about believing in the holy spirit, how many do you think believe in that? Or when the discourse is about an evil spirit that should be renounced: how many do you think believe in such a thing? How can this be? Is it perhaps because the subject becomes too earnest when it is the holy spirit? For I can talk about, believe in, the spirit of the age, the spirit of the world, and the like and do not thereby need to think of anything specific. It is a kind of spirit, but I am not absolutely bound by what I say. And not being bound by what one says is highly prized. (en)
so:description It Is the Spirit Who Gives Life (en)
so:description For Self-Examination (1851) (en)
so:description 1850s (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context117686
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qkg:Quotation225147 qkg:hasMention
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