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so:description Chapter III The Merveille (en)
so:description Chapter VIII The Twelfth Century Glass (en)
so:text The world had still a long march to make from the Rose of Queen Blanche to the guillotine of Madame du Barry; but the Roman de la Rose made epoch. For the first time since Constantine proclaimed the reign of Christ, a thousand years, or so, before Philip the Fair dethroned him, the deepest expression of social feeling ended with the word: Despair. (en)
so:description Chapter VI The Virgin of Chartres (en)
so:description Chapter IX The Legendary Windows (en)
so:description Chapter XI The Three Queens (en)
so:description Chapter I Saint Michiel de la Mer del Peril (en)
so:description Chapter VII Roses and Apses (en)
so:description Chapter V Towers and Portals (en)
so:description Mont Saint Michel and Chartres (1904) (en)
so:description Chapter IV Normandy and the Ile de France (en)
so:description Chapter X The Court of the Queen of Heaven (en)
so:description Chapter XII Nicolette and Marion (en)
so:description Chapter II La Chanson de Roland (en)
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