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so:text The movie stars Michelle Pfeiffer as LouAnne Johnson... er teaching methods are inventive. She bribes them with candy bars and free trips to amusement parks, and involves them in the words of that important poet, Bob Dylan . Soon they're in the school library, finding connections between Bob Dylan and Dylan Thomas... hat, exactly, will these disadvantaged inner-city kids accomplish by being bribed with candy bars and the "relevancy" of Bob Dylan? Can they read and write? Can they compete in the job market? An educational system that has brought them to the point we observe in the first classroom scene has already failed them so miserably that all of Miss Johnson's karate lessons are not going to be much help. (en)
so:description Reviews (en)
so:description One-and-a-half star reviews (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context122980
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