I'll assume Liz that you aren't speaking to me for a reason. And I will assume Liz that you're under a lot of pressure and I will tell you Liz that I'm going to be ok and if you could just urge her to never ever ask me to come home again and then concoct a fight and tell people I'm sexually inappropriate with her daughter. If anyone one of you ever repeat that again I swear to god you might as well put the gun to my head yourself because Liz if all the tabloids who live to Dick with me anyway were to repeat a rumor that came from Hallie that's why I can't come home I will not survive that no one could survive that. She is stupid and she is reckless and she is evil. And if you can't get her to see her own self interest in never saying that again as areason I'm not allowed to be allowed with Natalie then we look at in the context of my addiction of which almost none of them have ever witnessed in for except for one thing it's easy to believe the things that she says about me with all of her obvious love patients people believe she has for me when looked at in the context of my addiction of which almost none of them have ever witnessed in full why wouldn't they believe exactly what Hallie tells them. Or my mom tells him things like I'm sexually inappropriate with the children. So tell me please how do I keep my kids without killing myself in the process.
Please read this Liz I am lost right now and you may think all of this is some drama that will blow over in a day I'm alone right now without any pain killer and I am truly lost and filled with despair. (en) |