The fact is, at least 53 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence were Masons. It was a Masonic and Merchants' revolution from the beginning. The famous Boston Tea Party was a recessed Masonic meeting led by the warder of the lodge named Paul Revere. Washington and Jefferson were Masons. Ben Franklin was the highest ranked Mason, Rosicrucian and occultist in America, perhaps in the world at that time... I should inject here, however, that early Masonic orders were in fact led by enlightened initiates who were fighting against the tyranny of the Church. In modern language we might say they were the "good guys." But it appears that circa 1750 CE the highest levels of Masonry were infiltrated and taken over by Jewry. While the old wisdom is still concealed in Masonic symbolism and in the coding system of the English language authorized King James Bible, the actions of organized Masonry now serve Jewry and the murder of the White race. This should not be taken as a blanket condemnation of rank and file Masons, as most have no more concept of the effect of their organization than do Judeo-Christians of theirs. (en) |