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so:text This Ryvere comethe rennynge from Paradys terrestre, betwene the Desertes of Ynde; and aftre it smytt unto Londe, and rennethe longe tyme many grete Contrees undre Erthe: And aftre it gothe out undre an highe Hille, that Men clepen Alothe, that is betwene Ynde and Ethiope, the distance of five Moneths Journeyes fro the entree of Ethiope. And aftre it envyronnethe alle Ethiope and Morekane, and gothe alle along fro the Lond of Egipte, unto the Cytee of Alisandre, to the ende of Egipte; and there it fallethe into the See. (en)
so:description The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundevile, Kt. (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context157027
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context157026
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qkg:Quotation301305 qkg:hasMention
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