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so:description Chapter VIII Diplomacy (en)
so:description The Education of Henry Adams (1907) (en)
so:description Chapter II Boston (en)
so:description ;Preface (en)
so:description Chapter V Berlin (en)
so:text Adams could no more interest Algernon Swinburne than he could interest Encke's comet. To Swinburne he could be no more than a worm. The quality of genius was an education almost ultimate, for one touched there the limits of the human mind on that side; but one could only receive; one had nothing to give — nothing even to offer. (en)
so:description Chapter III Washington (en)
so:description Chapter VI Rome (en)
so:description Chapter VII Treason (en)
so:description Chapter IX Foes or Friends (en)
so:description Capter IV Harvard College (en)
so:description Chapter I Quincy (en)
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