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rdf:type qkg:Mention
so:text Yours of July 27 is received. It confirms the accounts we receive from others that the infractions of the embargo in Maine and Massachusetts are open. I have removed Pope, of New Bedford, for worse than negligence. The collector of Sullivan is on the totter. The Tories of Boston openly threaten insurrection if their importation of flour is stopped. The next post will stop it. I fear your Governor is not up to the tone of these parricides, and I hope on the first symptom of an open opposition of the law by force you will fly to the scene, and aid in suppressing any commotion. (en)
so:description Second Presidential Administration (1805-1809) (en)
so:description 1800s (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context173203
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qkg:Quotation332500 qkg:hasMention
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