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so:description Chapter VI The Virgin of Chartres (en)
so:description Chapter II La Chanson de Roland (en)
so:description Chapter VIII The Twelfth Century Glass (en)
so:description Chapter X The Court of the Queen of Heaven (en)
so:text For a hundred and fifty years the Virgin and Queens ruled French taste and thought so successfully that the French man has never yet quite decided whether to be more proud or ashamed of it. Life has ever since seemed a little flat to him, and art a little cheap. He saw that the woman, in elevating herself, had made him appear ridiculous, and he tried to retaliate with a wit not always sparkling, and too often at his own expense. (en)
so:description Chapter IX The Legendary Windows (en)
so:description Chapter XI The Three Queens (en)
so:description Chapter I Saint Michiel de la Mer del Peril (en)
so:description Chapter V Towers and Portals (en)
so:description Chapter IV Normandy and the Ile de France (en)
so:description Chapter VII Roses and Apses (en)
so:description Mont Saint Michel and Chartres (1904) (en)
so:description Chapter III The Merveille (en)
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