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so:text I believe that painting, in our meaning, is structures. Each application of paint to a surface is structure. This is, of course, self-evident, but a superstructure of meaning can occur. One can have various motives for doing it. And here that difficult motif comes in. I believe that a ruthless accumulation of structure reworkings leads to one meeting one's motif. One's life-motif, so to speak. That which one has and does not know that one has it. A sort of geology, as when, in a constant process, sedimentation and erosion makes the earth we live on like it is now, without any meaning in itself in a rational sense, but accepted as that upon which we live in this life.. (en)
so:description Quotes of Per Kirkeby (en)
so:description 1965 - 1995 (en)
so:description 'Bravura', Per Kirkeby, (1982) (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context210756
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qkg:Quotation405752 qkg:hasMention
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