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so:text It seems that Locke had in mind rival goods when he developed his theory .  What happens to non-rival goods like ideas?  George Bernard Shaw famously said that if you and I have an apple and we exchange apples, you would only have one apple but if you and I have an idea and we exchanged them, we will have two ideas.  So, how is it possible to treat ideas as if they were apples i.e. to make them into commodities?  It is only through copyright that it is possible to produce scarcity out of ideas and this of course can produce serious benefits for some but not all (en)
so:description Anti-Copyright: Why Improvisation and Noise Run Against the Idea of Intellectual Property" (October 2008) (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context220395
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qkg:Quotation423233 qkg:hasMention
Subject Property