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rdf:type qkg:Mention
so:text We are at that one of life's hours when truth imposes itself, by itself, with irresistible obviousness, when each of us has only to stretch forth his arms to reach at a single bound the surface of shadows, even the sunlight of God. Then is human prudence but a snare and a delusion. Sanctity!' cried out the old priest in a deep voice; 'by saying this word in your presence and for you alone, I know the hurt I inflict upon you! You are not unaware of what sanctity is: a vocation, a calling. Up to the place where God awaits you you will have to climb—climb, or be lost. Expect no human help. (en)
so:description Sous le soleil de Satan (Under the Sun of Satan), 1926 (en)
so:description Sourced (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context224714
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qkg:Quotation431508 qkg:hasMention
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