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so:text Here’s a story that would be reported only in passing and remain remarkably uncommented upon by the punditocracy or anyone in Congress: seven months after that resignation, Mattis took up a position on the board of, one of the nation’s largest defense contractors, with all the perks involved. There were no columns about it. No pundits raised a storm. Nobody of any significance said much of anything. Oh, let me amend that for accuracy’s sake. There was indeed a public enthusiast quoted in the media: General Dynamics Chairwoman and CEO, the head of a company that, just after Mattis's resignation, landed a $714 million delivery order to upgrade 174 Armys. On the very board that Mattis rejoined sit six other former military officers and officials, including a former Navy admiral, a former Air Force general, a former deputy secretary of defense, and Novakovic herself who once worked for the CIA and. And while we’re on the subject, don’t forget about all those figures from the world of the weapons makers who have headed the other way like, the current secretary of defense, who was previously a lobbyist for Raytheon. (en)
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