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so:text God does not think, He creates; He does not exist, He is eternal," wrote Kierkegaard ; but perhaps it is more exact to say with Mazzini, the mystic of the Italian city, that "God is great because his thought is action" , because with Him to think is to create, and He gives existence to that which exists in His thought by the mere fact of thinking it, and the impossible is unthinkable by God. It is not written in the Scriptures that God creates with His word — that is to say, with His thought — and that by this, by His Word, He made everything that exists? And what God has once made does He ever forget? May it not be that all the thoughts that have ever passed through the Supreme Consciousness still subsist therein? In Him, who is eternal, is not all existence eternalized? (en)
so:description VII : Love, Suffering, Pity (en)
so:description The Tragic Sense of Life (1913) (en)
so:description Miguel de Unamuno (en)
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