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so:text In America's federal prisons there are many so-called bank robbers; it is a contradiction in terms. A banker is a usurer. Usury, interest on money at any percentage, is a high crime. The only difference between 2% and 20% interest is the amount of time until the usurer owns everything. Ancient religious texts properly prescribe the death penalty for usurers. There is only one greater crime than usury, that is the violation of Nature's highest law, the preservation of one's own kind. One Central Banker like Alan Greenspan, or Volker or Burns, the last three chairmen of the Federal Reserve, all Jews, steals more wealth from the folk every minute of every day than has been retrieved by all the so-called bank robbers in history. (en)
so:description Focus Fourteen (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context253061
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