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so:text A racial religion must be a fertility religion, as were all ancient Aryan religions. Because the first necessity for racial survival is reproduction. The alleged major author of most books in the New Testament, Paul, says, "It is best not to touch a woman." It is not an error or an anomaly. The entire remainder of the chapter tells us that if we just cannot resist this evil urge, then marriage is barely tolerable in order to lessen the sin. Revelation 14 tells us, only virgin men are favored and sex with women defiles a man. Jesus takes no wives, has no children, he kills no enemies of his people, he conquers and defends no territory. Instead, he said in John 18-36, do not fight the Jews because, "My kingdom is not of this world." And, he says, that even to look at a woman with lust is adultery. I tell you again, a race which refuses to live and fight within the reality of this world is doomed to slavery. And a race whose males do not lust after their females strongly enough to fight to the death for sexual union is doomed to extinction. (en)
so:description Focus Fourteen (en)
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