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so:text You imply our education is of no use to you in after life. But no education is. We are not an employment agency; all we can do is to give you a grounding in the art of mixing with your fellow men, to tell you what to expect from life and give you an outward manner and inward poise, an old prescription from the eighteenth century which we call a classical education, an education which confers the infrequent virtues of good sense and good taste and the benefit of dual nationality, English and Mediterranean, and which, taking into account the difficulties of modern life, we find the philosophy best able to overcome them. (en)
so:description Part 3: A Georgian Boyhood (en)
so:description Enemies of Promise (1938) (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context290224
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qkg:Quotation558341 qkg:hasMention
Subject Property