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so:text Jerry Wayne: You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns. Joe Biden: You're full of shit. Now shush, shush. I support the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment — just like right now, if you yelled "fire", that's not free speech. And from the very beginning — I have a shotgun, I have a 20-gauge, a 12-gauge. My sons hunt. Guess what? You're not allowed to own any weapon. I'm not taking your gun away, at all. You need 100 rounds? Wayne: There's a video of you saying you'll take our guns. Biden: I didn't not say that. That's not— I did not say that. Wayne: It's a viral video. Biden: It's a viral video like the other ones they're putting out that are simply a lie. (en)
so:description March 2020 (en)
so:description 2020 (en)
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