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rdf:type qkg:Mention
so:text Well! A general invasion: Hamlet rears his hideous head, Othello is preparing his dagger, that essentially murderous weapon, subversive of all good theatrical government. What more, who knows.. .King Lear is to tear his eyes before a French audience. It should be a point of dignity for the Academy to declare that all imports of this kind are incompatible with public morals. Farewell good taste! In any case, equip yourself with a stout coat of mail under your evening dress. Beware of the Classicist's daggers, or rather, sacrifice yourself valiantly for our barbarian pleasure.. (en)
so:description Quotes of Delacroix (en)
so:description 1815 - 1830 (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context296319
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qkg:Quotation570451 qkg:hasMention
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