Elizabeth Warren: Mayor Bloomberg has non-disclosure agreements for who knows how many women. And it's not just the one. And the whole point is, how can you actually trust someone who will not just say, "Look, I'm going to waive on non-disclosure on sexual harassment, and discrimination. Anybody who has a story to tell can come tell their story.
Chris Matthews: Sure, I agree everybody deserves a credible response when they make a charge like that. My question about him, you believe he's lying?
Warren: I believe the women—
Matthews: You believe he's lying.
Warren: Which means he's not telling the truth.
Matthews: And why would he lie? Because just to protect himself?
Warren: Yeah. And why would she lie? I mean, that's the question, Chris. Why do you assume that he's the guy—
Matthews: I just want to make sure that you're clear about this— you're confident of your accusation?
Warren: Look, all I know is what she said and what he said. (en) |