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rdf:type qkg:Mention
so:text He could not endure what he found himself going through, and he could not get away. It seemed to him as if he sat behind the tiller of his custom-made unique quibble, facing a red light, green light, amber light all at once; no rational response was possible. Her irrationality made it so. The terrible power, he thought, of illogic. Of the archetypes. Operating out of the drear depths of the collective unconscious which joined him and her — and everyone else — together. In a knot which could never be undone, so long as they lived. No wonder, he thought, some people, many people, long for death. (en)
so:description Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said (1974) (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context316449
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qkg:Quotation609031 qkg:hasMention
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