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so:text Salvatore Garau, triumph of immediacy, aesthetic enjoyment, power of color, free spontaneity, a call to something gigantic, powerful, improbable, to something absent but substantial; this is what manifests itself in the new, small, enigmatic sheets that Salvatore Garau dedicated to Richard Wagner. The movement of the stripes of color - pulsating, restless, unpredictable, paths of unstoppable energies and tensions - suggest wind and flames, bodies that contort and interpenetrate, full of power and sensual force seductive and disturbing are not however dedicated only to Richard Wagner features that are not secondary to understand his poetics, in which an obsessive monochromatism, made up of shades of red, seems to evoke the spirit of the mythical struggles of the heroes of Wagner. (en)
so:description Quotes by Lóránd Hegyi (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context320961
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