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so:text I will give you one very simple example of synergy. All our metallic alloys are synergetic. We will examine chrome-nickel steel. The outstanding characteristic of metallic strength is its ability to cohere in one piece. We test the metals tensile strength per square inch of cross section of the tested sample. The very high number of pounds-per-square-inch tensile strength of chrome-nickel steel has changed our whole economy because it retained its structural integrity at so high a temperature as to make possible the jet engine which has halved the time it takes to fly around the world. The prime constituents are chromium, nickel, and iron. We will take the highest ultimate tensile strength of those three. p. 14 (en)
so:description Presentation to U.S. Congressional Sub-Committee on World Game (1969) (en)
so:description Buckminster Fuller’s Presentation to U.S. Congressional Sub-Committee on World Game (en)
so:description 1960s (en)
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