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so:text The best known, and deservedly so, woman martyr in America is Vicki Weaver. Even the FBI psychological profile reportedly stated that she was the pillar of strength in the Weaver family. Recent events would seem to indicate the profile was correct, since her widower has not avenged her death. Even worse, he appears to have adopted the defeatist and suicidal party line of the C.R.A.P, that there are peaceful solutions. At any rate, the Weavers were White separatists who wished to live in the wilderness of North Idaho, as far as possible from the Federal race mixing programs, so they were picked as easy targets by the Federal integration police. The Federal assassins first murdered Vicki's 14 year old son by shooting him in the back. Then, they blew Vicki's head off while she held her infant daughter in her arms. In case any of you still think there is mercy or justice in the hearts of Federals, this should be the final step necessary to disabuse you; it is a foolish notion. Police are mercenaries and they serve for paychecks. They are always the enemy of freedom-lovers under oppressive governments. (en)
so:description Focus Fourteen (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context329630
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