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rdf:type qkg:Mention
so:text We write in the language of Dryden and Addison, of Milton and Shakespeare, but the intellectual world we inhabit is that of Flaubert and Baudelaire; it is to them, and not to their English contemporaries, that we owe our conception of modern life. The artist whose reward is perfection and where perfection can be obtained only by a separation of standards from those of the non-artist is led to adopt one of four rĂ´les: the High Priest , the Dandy , the Incorruptible Observer or the Detached Philosopher . What he will not be is a Fighter or Helper. (en)
so:description Part 1: Predicament (en)
so:description Enemies of Promise (1938) (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context333375
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qkg:Quotation641846 qkg:hasMention
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