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so:text Understanding Paco’s "helix and wrap" structure solves this problem. ...e found that suction accounts for most of filling ... during the first 1/3 of the period when the heart relaxes... caused by how the figure-eight helix arms and its surrounding wrap interact. ...hen the ventricle’s pumping ...during a heartbeat lasts longer than it is supposed to... his shortens the available time for suction to fill... diastolic dysfunction develops. ...e found ...calcium influences contraction and relaxation ... ...uniquely prevented calcium buildup. ...he ...pharmacological trial ...failed after the manufacturer disregarded advice from the study’s steering committee. ...Diastolic dysfunction’s cause and curative drug are neither taught in medical school, nor... known by... cardiologists... (en)
so:description Solving the Mysteries of Heart Disease (2018) (en)
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