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rdf:type qkg:Mention
so:text The German hope is that if the frontiers can be unshakeably maintained for another year, a peace can be obtained which will relieve Germany from the consequences of the hideous catastrophe in which she has plunged the world, and leave her free to scheme and prepare a decisive stroke in another generation. Unless Germany is beaten in a manner which leaves no room for doubt or dispute, unless she is convinced by the terrible logic of events that the glory of her people can never be achieved by violent means, unless her war-making capacity after the war is sensibly diminished, a renewal of the conflict, after an uneasy and malevolent truce, seems unavoidable. (en)
so:description Early career years (1898–1929) (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context345802
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context345801
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qkg:Quotation665787 qkg:hasMention
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