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so:text The world's major religions were constructed with great precision by initiates into what many call the Mystery Schools. Circa BCE 500 a renegade group of initiates hatched up a scheme to rule the world using the wisdom of the Mystery Schools, the power of usury and the basest instincts of man. They became the first Jews. About 1200 years later a second group called the Khazars, a Turko-Mongolian people living in roughly what is now Turkey, latched onto the scheme, undoubtedly realizing the value of being "God's Chosen People" in the Christian writings. However, it was about 325 CE when Jewry hired Constantine and a degenerate Roman Empire to murder everyone in Europe who would not accept a new religion with Jews as God's Chosen people. The White world was plunged into an insanity from which it has never recovered. (en)
so:description Revolution by Number (en)
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