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so:text Imagine a person who has been and is addicted to a passion. There comes a moment , a moment he seems to be brought to a halt: a good resolution is awakening. Imagine that one morning he said to himself , “I solemnly vow that I will nevermore have anything to do with gambling, never – tonight will be the last time” – ah, my friend, he s lost! I would rather bet on the opposite, however strange that may seem. If there was a gambler who said to himself, “Well, now, you may gamble every blessed day all the rest of your life – but tonight you are going to leave it alone,” and he did – ah, my friend, he is saved for sure! The first gambler's resolution is a trick by the craving, and the second gambler's is to fool the craving. (en)
so:description What is Required in Order to Look at Oneself with True Blessing in the Mirror of the Word? (en)
so:description For Self-Examination (1851) (en)
so:description 1850s (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context363182
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