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rdf:type qkg:Mention
so:description ; &bigX1960&/bigX (en)
so:description ; &bigX1961&/bigX (en)
so:description ; &bigX1964&/bigX (en)
so:description Baseball-related (en)
so:description &bigX&bigX1960s&/bigX&/bigX (en)
so:description ; &bigX1962&/bigX (en)
so:description ; &bigX1963&/bigX (en)
so:text In Puerto Rico, we like to laugh and talk before a game. Then we go out and play as hard as we can to win. Afterwards, we laugh and talk again. But in America, baseball is much more of a business. Play well and you get pats on the back and congratulations. Play bad and no pats and maybe nobody talks to you. (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context368988
Property Object

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qkg:Quotation710412 qkg:hasMention
Subject Property