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rdf:type qkg:Mention
so:text No warrant,literally dragged me out of the house. Our neighbors are looking out going what's going on here. They searched my house without a warrant, literally terrorized my husband for five days. They said 'if you don't find the notebooks, if you don't find the material which was not in my possession but planted in my house … it was intended to appear as if I took confidential material, names and intellectual property from the laboratory, and I could prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that I didn't. The heads of our entire HHS colluded and destroyed my reputation. The Department of Justice and the FBI sat on it and kept that case under seal, which means you can't say there's a case, or your lawyers are held in contempt of court. So you can't even get a lawyer to defend you. So every due process right, was taken away from me and to this day remains the same, I have no constitutional freedoms or rights. (en)
so:description Plandemic (May 2020) (en)
Property Object

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qkg:Quotation713094 qkg:hasMention
Subject Property