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rdf:type qkg:Mention
so:text Apart from autograph hunters, I get... many letters from Hindus, beseeching me to adopt some form of mysticism, from young Americans, asking me where I think the line should be drawn in petting, and from Poles, urging me to admit that while all other nationalism may be bad that of Poland is wholly noble. I get letters from engineers who cannot understand Einstein, and from parsons who think that I cannot understand Genesis, from husbands whose wives have deserted them – not that that would matter, but the wives have taken the furniture with them, and what in these circumstances should an enlightened male do? ...I get letters trying to get me to advocate abortion, and I get letters from young mothers asking my opinion of bottle-feeding. (en)
so:description 1930s (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context3948
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