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so:text Let us remember that our first job is to awaken sufficient numbers of our people to our imminent extinction and what that means... Certainly we can recognize that there is some value in exposing the exaggerations of the alleged holocaust, the power of central banks, such as the Federal Reserve, violations of the Constitution and all the other issues that occupy the minds of the so-called Right Wing. But, I really do not give a damn what monetary system the colored hordes adopt after our race is extinct. I just do not give a hoot in hell whether they call themselves conservatives or liberals. I do not care if the Jews convince the colored hordes that sixty billion of the "chosen" died in big WWII. Frankly, I do not give a flying you-know-what if the world even continues to exist, if the Jews are successful in exterminating our race and therefore, the beauty of the White Aryan woman will cease to exist forever. Let's win or blow it to atoms. (en)
so:description Focus Fourteen (en)
qkg:hasContext qkg:Context40992
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